Experiential Exhibition, Full Immersion in the Minds of Creators of Worlds from the Baroque Era to the Present Day
Palazzo Cipolla – Rome, Italy
April 05 – July 23, 2023
From April 5 through July 23, 2023, Palazzo Cipolla will be transformed into Ipotesi Metaverso. This experiential exhibition offers a full immersion in new spatial/existential dimensions and in the imaginary worlds of 32 -16 historical and 16 contemporary artists from the Baroque era to the present day, who will be dialoguing with each other in the domain of imagination. Fifteen different settings for as many multimedia and multisensory itineraries will be fully transforming this historic palace in Via del Corso, Rome, to offer visitors a journey across languages and visions, and into both virtual and real worlds. One of the first exhibitions of its kind on an international level, it was imagined and really wanted by Prof. Avv. Emmanuele Emanuele, and is curated by Gabriele Simongini and Serena Tabacchi.
The exhibition brings together works by leading historical artists – i.e. Carlo Maratti, Andrea Pozzo, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, Fortunato Depero, De Pistoris, Giorgio de Chirico, Maurits Cornelis Escher, Victor Vasarely, Ugo Nespolo, Giulio Paolini, Giuseppe Fiducia, Pier Augusto Breccia, Alfredo Zelli, Cesar Santos -, as well as site-specific works by some of the most innovative and sensational digital artists on the Italian and international contemporary scene – i.e. Robert Alice, Refik Anadol, Alex Braga, Joshua Chaplin, Sofia Crespo e/and Feileacan McCormick, Damjanski, Primavera De Filippi, fuse*, Fabio Giampietro with Paolo Di Giacomo, Krista Kim, Mario Klingemann, Pak, Joe Pease, Federico Solmi, Sasha Stiles, Pinar Yoldas.
Contemplation and immersion, intimacy and choral involvement, an almost concurrent perception of the ‘material’ and the immaterial: these are some of the unforgettable experiences offered to viewers in this exhibition and to be enjoyed almost simultaneously. Palazzo Cipolla is no newcomer to this kind of experiment: from the historic Bansky exhibition to Quayola, via London Calling, to this Ipotesi Metaverso, no less than 59 exhibitions have been hosted here at the behest of the Foundation’s President Emanuele. In slightly more than two decades, the 19th-century Palazzo overlooking Rome’s historic centre has been a contemporary outpost, intercepting new trends and languages, and promoting contemporary art in all its expressions and nuances.
“Already in 2021, by bringing the Re-coding exhibition by the media artist Quayola to Palazzo Cipolla, I wanted to prove that the latest technology, using a completely new language, is at the service of the creative act in all its forms, offering artists and their viewers new tools to explore the unexplained mystery of art-making. Today, I want to follow up on this, by shaping our exhibition projects on my modern vision and opening them up to universal proposals. This is how the exhibition Ipotesi Metaverso was devised. I do hope that this exhibition, to which we have invited young but already well-known artists, in the East, America, Europe, and the world over, will be confirming this innovative and radically revolutionary vision of mine” explains Prof. Emmanuele Emanuele.
The curators Gabriele Simongini and Serena Tabacchi comment, “Ipotesi Metaverso is one of the first international exhibitions to raise questions about the technological/existential concept of the Metaverse. It does so through a series of multisensory and multimedia experiences created by the ingenuity of contemporary artists in conversation with ‘material’ works by renowned artists from the past or still active ones, from the Baroque era to the present day, who have created other worlds, with unlimited mental spaces. Visitors will be immersed into a phygital – physical and digital at the same time – dimension, which is what we should expect in our everyday life in the near future. The Metaverse is not governed by the laws of physics of the earth. Every object within it can be imported from the real world or created from scratch by our imagination. Artificial intelligence also plays a fundamental role in the development of these worlds where man, nature and technology can find a new hybrid and harmonious synergy, towards digital humanism”.