Like many of you, I’ve found myself with a bit more time on my hands lately. Being a lover of art history, I decided to start a new video project, a Moment in Art History. Each of these videos will focus on a great work from art history; I’ll share the story of the artwork, a bit about the artist and my impressions of the art.
The first artwork in this series is Grant Wood’s “American Gothic.” I love this painting, and I’m excited to launch this series with it.
I would love to hear what you think of the video! Leave a comment below.
Grant Wood’s “American Gothic” is arguably one of the most iconic pieces of 20th century American Art. In this Moment in Art History we examine the painting, and learn about the artist’s background.
Art seen in the background of this video
Glass flower sculpture:…
Portions of the script for this video were sourced from Wikepedia under the Creative Commons licensing agreement. Source material:…,