The Trust Factor | Artsy Shark

by Carolyn Edlund

Gaining trust is a basic factor when marketing and selling your work online. Here’s how you can build trust with your customers.

trust as a factor in the business of art

Professional presentation

It’s a fact that presenting your work in a professional manner goes a long way to developing a comfort level for the customer that may lead to a sale. Artists who have professional-looking websites and marketing materials give the impression of being serious, and more successful businesspeople.

Why? Because most often they are. Artists who have gained traction and are selling their work understand the importance of creating a brand that projects that. Customers want to buy from professionals, not amateurs. Are you giving the wrong impression through the quality of your images and presentation?

Introduce yourself to the customer

A basic principle of marketing is that customers need to know, like and trust you. That begins with knowing you. One easy way to help website visitors do that is to share your photo and your story. As the artist, your story and your inspiration are intrinsic parts of your art.

People aren’t buying a “thing” when they buy your work–they are buying how it makes them feel. When they are interested in you, your concept and your body of work aids in creating that trust you need to make sales.

Present clear, complete, and current information

Uninformed or confused shoppers do not buy. They need information that impacts them when deciding whether or not to make the purchase. What are your shipping costs? Is the package insured? What shipper do you use? What is the turnaround time? Do you take commissions, or do personalized work? Do you take returns? Make sure you have answered every question that customers usually have when shopping. An FAQ page is the perfect way to include this on your art website. Remember, it’s all about them, so gear your site and your marketing to their needs.

Share contact info

Your email address and phone number should be visible on your website, in emails to your prospects, and in your marketing materials. Customers need to know that you welcome their inquiries, and that you can be easily contacted. Without contact information you don’t seem quite real or accessible, and trust plummets.

Be consistent

Follow up and consistent contact are main drivers of sales, both online and offline. As prospects see your work over and over again, you become more familiar and memorable. They know your business is serious and established.

Make sure you use email marketing campaigns to reach out to your list on a regular monthly basis. This easy way to develop relationships with buyers and build your network is the most effective way to stay in touch and convert prospects into collectors.

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