Photographer Spotlight: Reveka Pasternak

A selection of images from an ongoing series by New York-based photographer Reveka Pasternak. An avid Philadelphia Eagles fan and certified esthetician, Pasternak is a 26 year-old sophomore photo major that has worked with bands and brands from Coach to Nike.

“I didn’t direct anyone on what to wear or how to look- the only thing I asked was to stand on their bed and let the project morph into its own thing. I like photography that captures people being themselves. It also forced me to be social, I find myself having a lot of acquaintances but not a lot of close friends and I plan on continuing this project for a while. Having had a concussion and now suffering from debilitating migraines is a very alienating experience that has turned me into a hermit and photography is the glue holding my social life together.”

Reveka Pasternak participated in our 2024 Art + Photo Book Awards and made our shortlist. Check out our Open Calls to learn more about current and upcoming opportunities!⁠

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