A striking visual narrative inspired by Homer’s The Odyssey by photographer Makis Makris. Born and based in Kavala, Greece, “Odysseus’ Clepsydra” is an assemblage of fragments derived from candid shots, archival materials, and selected scenes from assorted television broadcasts. The project seeks to visualize the inner turmoil and emotional transitions that take place during a difficult and precarious journey into the world. Specifically wherein one’s dreams and desires are constantly running up against a sense of fear and unease not just for what has happened in the past but what is yet to come:
“The goals we set at the dawn of our lives are often succeeded by unexpected twists and frustrations, as years turn into an incessant struggle for survival. However, the Time we are left with is teeming with the hope of restoration of our psychological balance, so that we are ultimately led to redemption. In the dark and chaos governing our life I believe there is hope, a light, which though not necessarily bright, can however show us the way, should we let it. Be that as it may, were it not for darkness, how could we worship light..?”
See more images from “Odysseus’ Clepsydra” below.