Featured Artist Camille Kouyoumdjian | Artsy Shark

Artist Camille Kouyoumdjian creates paintings that express her great appreciation for the natural world and our environment. Visit her website to see more.

abstracted landscape in acrylic

“The Calm Beyond” acrylic, 20″ x 30″

My artistic process is deeply intertwined with my connection to the environment. The experience of standing before the unknown, with its simultaneous sense of awe and trepidation, resonates within me. It is reflected in all of my work. An unexplored landscape, like a blank canvas, poses a fundamental question. Will I succumb to fear and turn away, or will I bravely plunge into the depths of the unfamiliar, embracing whatever lies ahead?

mixed media abstract painting

“Seabirds’ Wings” mixed media 18×24″

Immersing myself in nature and interpreting it through art offers me a profound opportunity to build connections between the chaos of the outside world and the deeply human response it evokes within me. The canvas becomes a conduit, a medium through which I bridge the external realm with my inner emotions and perceptions. It serves as a powerful tool to express and interpret the profound beauty and complexity of nature.

Abstracted landscape painting

“Daylight Remains” mixed media 24″ x 18″

At times, my artwork encapsulates the essence of a particular scene, inviting the viewer to share in the experience of that precise moment. However, as I delve deeper into my creative process, I find myself moving away from literal representation. My work evolves into a more abstract manifestation, transcending the boundaries of a specific place.

abstract floral painting

“Kili’ohu” mixed media, 30″ x 24″

I tap into the realm of memory and emotion, infusing the canvas with the intangible aspects of human experience. The landscape becomes a metaphor, a vehicle through which I convey the depth and breadth of my thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.

ethereal abstract painting of a summer night

“Summer Nights” mixed media, 18″ x 24″

Throughout this artistic journey, I remain acutely aware that art can never truly replicate nature. The inherent complexities of the natural world, its vastness and intricacies, elude any attempt at complete recreation. Instead, I embrace the role of interpretation. My goal is not to replicate, but to capture the essence and evoke an emotional response. I strive to create a sense of connection, timelessness, and hope for the future through my art.

mixed media landscape painting

“Morning Dew” mixed media, 24″ x 24″

My artistic background encompasses diverse influences and learning experiences. While I possess formal education in international development, English, and economics, my most profound lessons come from my lifelong engagement with the outdoors.

mixed media nature-inspired abstract painting

“Seasons Change” mixed media, 24″ x 30″

Growing up near the Blue Ridge Mountains and exploring the eastern seaboard, I developed a deep appreciation for the environment and an understanding of humanity’s impact on it.

Abstract landscape art

“Wild Blue Yonder” acrylic, 24″ x 30″

My professional experiences in international development and public health allowed me to explore different cultures and their environmental challenges. Additionally, my roles as a Master Gardener, Master Food educator, and beekeeper further deepened my understanding of the intricate connections between people and their surroundings.

Atmospheric abstract landscape painting

“The Seafarer” mixed media, 24″ x 18″

I invite others to join me on this journey, to explore the landscapes near and far, and to find inspiration and connection through my artwork.

Camille Kouyoumdjian invites you to follow on Instagram.

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