Coming Soon: Bad Dads – A Wes Anderson Tribute Show in NYC

Rose Couch, Margot Tenenbaum, sewing string through canvas

Spoke Art returns to New York City for the 9th edition of Bad Dads: A Wes Anderson Tribute Art Show. Featuring over 75 artists inspired by Anderson’s films, the exhibition spans across media and style. 

Join us in New York City on Saturday, October 12th for an opening reception and Wes Anderson themed costume party! We will be celebrating from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at 54 Ludlow Street, NYC. 

Along side these beautiful original pieces of art, we will also have a large selection of limited edition prints inspired by The Royal Tenenbaums, Isle of Dogs and everything in between!

Follow us on social media @Spoke_Art for sneak peeks leading up the event.

Spoke Art NYC:

54 Ludlow Street

New York, NY 10002

Opening Reception / Costume Party:

Saturday, October 12th

6:00pm – 8:00pm

On View:

October 12th – November 2nd 

Participating Artists:

Isabella Addison / Daliah Ammar / Jon Allen / Brighton Ballard / Derek Ballard / Betsy Bauer / Ryan Berkley / Anne Benjamin / Nicole Bruckman / Ivonna Buenrostro / Matt Chase / C.M. Duffy / Maggie Chiang / Rhys Cooper / Rose Couch / Dan Grissom / Mai Ly Degnan / Tim Doyle / Pippa Dyrlaga / Kayla Edgar / Evanimal / Sam Evans / Fabiocs / Hannah Gillingham / Sean Gillespie / Sam Gilbey / Bill Green / Lauren Gregg / Mark Hammermeister / Harmony Deimling / Maryanna Holloman / Christine Hostetler / Joshua Ellingson / Max Kauffman / Kemi Mai / Jill Kittock / Andrew Kolb / Nan Lawson / Nellie Le / Adam Lister / Omar Martinez / Arna Miller / Ed Mironiuk / Guillaume Morellec / Cuddly Rigor Mortis / Danielle Murray / MURUGIAH / J.P. Neang / Chelsea O’Byrne / Van Orton / OTTO / Anna Pan / Ruel Pascual / Rich Pellegrino / Fernando Reza / Michelle Romo / Esther Sarto / Sad Salesman / Leonardo Santamaria / Valerie Saverie / Matt Schu / Cindy Scaife / Nick Stokes / Meghan Stratman / Dean Stuart / Concepción Studios / Maria Suarez-Inclan / THIS IS FUN, ISN’T IT (aka Sarah Sumeray) / Steve Thomas /
Dillon Thornley (Raid71) / Anna Tillet / Geoff Trapp /  Josey Tsao / Chris Walker / Graham Yarrington / Zi Xu / Teo Zirinis and more!

Izzy Burton, Bean’s Alcoholic Cider, archival pigment print

Matt Schu, Summer’s End, ink and acrylic gouache on paper
MURUGIAH, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugararchival pigment print

Meghan Stratman, Asteroid City, Pop. 87, painted paper collage

Concepción Studios, The Baumer’s Meltdown, archival pigment print

Sam Gilbey, A Great and Noble House, archival pigment print



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