Sandra LaForge’s fine art photography ranges from detailed landscapes to motion-filled abstracts. Visit her website to see more of her work.

“Deep Blue Hole” photography, various sizes
I am commonly asked, “How long have you been shooting?” and “What is this…?”
My attempt at being concise usually works. I respond to the first question by saying, “Since I was this high” holding my hand about two feet from the ground. As for “What is this?” I humbly ask, “Do you like it?”

“Prismatic Footprints” photography, various sizes
I possess a fascination for all types of photography. Landscapes are captivating—Mother Earth is the most beautiful gift and offers an endless supply of inspiration. I also love photographing animals and people, or, as a friend and fellow photographer says, “Anything with eyes.” I love the challenge of interpreting and capturing their being as naturally as possible. There is, however, so much more to see and image than landscapes and living things.

“In a Hurry” photography, various sizes
My absolute infatuation with photography is fueled by a background of adventure travel, raising twins, and later in life, investing time in learning and attending photography workshops.

“Burst Forest” photography, various sizes
When working on an image, inspiration and the influence on what creative direction I take comes from the location and of course, the subject. The result is sometimes realism with a mixture of storytelling. More often, the images I am drawn to post are slightly digitally enhanced and include graphic elements and plenty of motion.

“Wiggling Aspen” photography, various sizes
As a result, my images can reflect strong lines. Alternatively, I sometimes use camera motion to blur the subject which can be appealing to the eye as well.

“Seashore” photography, various sizes
Admittedly, much of what I print or post has a high emotional quotient. This does not always equate to commercial acceptance or “likes.” But this is not where my passion, obsession and excitement come from. The need to capture images comes from observing what is simply around me and, pardon the pun, having it click in my brain. It comes from years of shooting and training the subconscious to see life as though looking through a camera lens.

“Soda Bottles” photography, various sizes
The pandemic forced most of us to slow down and look at life differently. No longer could I rely on far away locations filled with exotic surroundings and inspiring backdrops. Being at home has allowed me to review thousands of images sleeping on my hard drive. Wow, did I have a major realization! I am absolutely taking much better photos than I did 5, 10 or 15 years ago.

“Silk Scarves” photography, various sizes
I realize that continuous shooting in addition to taking workshops and online courses have had an enormous influence on my growing ability as a photographer.

“Distant Focus” photography, various sizes
I would like to recognize the role of fellow artists in my development as well as their part in inspiring me to keep shooting. Several of my closest friends and contacts create daily and some also sell commercially. These include jewelry designers, graphic artists, painters and quite a few photographers. They are a great source of critique, not to mention encouragement. For this, I humbly thank each and every one of you.

Artist Sandra LaForge in the Savannah, Photography Credit: Cree Bol
I strongly encourage everyone to find what makes your heart sing and brings you joy. Hope to see you on one of my adventures.
Artist Sandra LaForge invites you to follow her on Instagram.